A special place for nothin' special.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Au revoir, Fifi . . . but not for long.

Well, I don't really know what happened - maybe I wasn't able to correctly pick up all my stitches after the needle mishap. Who knows? But I reached a point where the sweater was completely off pattern.

Although I am a new knitter, I am no stranger to frogging. I am one of those people who can't just let a mistake go - it nags at me. I would rather just frog it and start over than let it go uncorrected. So, I said goodbye to Fifi and frogged the whole thing (3 balls of yarn worth).

I tried to thread a safety line at a point where I could see things were still on track, but once the frogging began I realized that the line wasn't in the right spot either. This was important lesson - frogging is much easier when knitting on straight needles than it is on circulars.

In any case, I have only cast on my stitches - I haven't yet had the opportunity to begin knitting again. I want to do it when I have time and patience to do it correctly - I am committed to making this sweater work!